Rashes- what can I expect with newborns?
There is baby acne – this usally appears on baby’s face during the 3rd or 4th week of life. It is caused by the stimulation of the baby’s
oils glands due to increased hormones passed from mom to baby. No treatment is necessary. Just keep the face clean & avoid using
lotions & oils.
Heat Rash – appear as fine, clear or red spots on the torso. Heat rash is common in babies during the hot or humid weather or from overdressing
in the winter/colder seasons. It will disappear on it’s own once the extra layer of clothing or blankets are removed. Keep your home at a normal temps
between 68-73. IF you dress baby in layers, you can always remove a piece here n there.
Diaper rash – bright red rash in the diaper area caused by prolong contact with urine or feces. Also by using a diaper too small. To treat it, use a thick layer of ointment that has zinc oxide or petroleum jelly. Also allow their bum to air out at least 2xs per day for about 10-15mins. lay them on their tummy with a cloth diaper/towel underneath.
Mila- tiny white bumps on the nose, chin, cheeks. Most cases disappear on their own within weeks and no treatment. Never pick or scrub the bumps
This is from the skin flakes become trapped near the surface of the skin.
Yeast infections- is persistent, bright red rash on their bum or other areas where skin touches skin. IT can also develop in the mouth that look like creamy white sores. Also known as thrush. Yeast infections are caused by microorganism that grow in warm moist places. it’s common in babies who have taken antibiotics recently. Consult your baby’s dr. It is treated with a prescription anti-fungal cream
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