Essential Oils for Labor & Postpartum
Labor & Postpartum Use
How ESSENTIAL are Essential Oils during Labor?
For those mama that I have served as a doula, you know that I carry a few essential oils around with me and most of the time I have a diffuser. My go to company for EOs is Floracopeia. So many folks are using Doterra & Young Living as well as other companies.
On the one hand, I’m excited that we are looking to the garden for help instead of the medicine cabinet. BUT I’m hopeful that everyone will understand the power of plants and not use essential oils without talking to someone with experience.
Kama could be that person…
I meet up with OmBalance Mama, Kama recently. She is a yoga practitioner & teacher. She and her hubby attended my HypnoBirthing series & I served as their doula. I feel connected! It was great to catch up on what is happening in her world.
Kama is a certified dietician & essential oil user. I asked her if she would put together some kits that are ready for mamas to purchase and use. Along with the kits, she will provide a card to explain usage. Great Deal!
Here are the Essential Oil KITS :
- ~ Prenatal Kit Price 5/8 drams diluted: $36
- ~ Prenatal Kit Price 2/8 drams undiluted: $46
- ~ Postpartum Kit Price 5/8 drams diluted: $46
- ~ Postpartum Kit Price 2/8 drams undiluted: $61
- ~ Birth/PP Combo Kit Price 5/8 drams diluted: $40
- ~ Birth/PP Combo Kit Price 2/8 drams undiluted: $52
- ~ Trio Price: $75
Healing Use of Ayurvedic Oils
Are you curious about Ayurveda?
Have you wondered what’s the deal with these magic oils?
As we approach the weekend, I wanted to share a post written by David Frawley on using Ayurvedic oils. These oils have the power to heal and rejuvenate us in many ways. Please take a moment and read the article.
REMEMBER… This Saturday is the Pop Up Market at Sync Yoga & Wellness. See the Facebook event here – FREE POP UP Market!
The Wonderful Healing & Rejuvenating Power of Ayurvedic Oils
by The American Institute of Vedic Studies
Ayurvedic Oils
Ayurveda has the most sophisticated, complex and powerful herbal and massage oils of any natural healing tradition in the world. In Ayurvedic pharmacology, numerous herbs are specially cooked in an oil base, usually sesame, following ancient formulations with centuries of experience behind them. Their main name is Tailam, from tila meaning sesame oil. Yet other oils are used may be used in their preparation including coconut oil, castor oil and ghee.
While some Ayurvedic groups only offer simple oils like sesame, almond or castor. The oils prepared with herbs are much stronger and far superior.
Ayurvedic oils, we must clearly understand, are not simply adjunct massage oils. Ayurvedic oils form an entire treatment in their own right that is one of the most effective herbal treatments, perhaps the best.
The skin has a special ability to absorb the oils along with the herbs and nutrients prepared in them, often more so than does the digestive system, particularly as many people today suffer from malabsorption and poor digestion. Taking the herbs externally through the skin with Ayurvedic oils circumvents the weak digestive system and brings the effect of the herbs to a deeper level of the body, musculo-skeletal system and nervous system, where they can be more effective.
External Usage of Oils
Used externally, Ayurvedic oils can be applied to specific regions of the body. There are a number of oils that are good for the head, not simply for improving the hair but for calming the mind, strengthening the nerves and countering the side effects of how our nervous system is being disturbed and debilitated by our information technology. Such Ayurvedic oils for the head can counter insomnia, stress and anxiety, or even calm anger, agitation and unrest.
Relative to joint or arthritic pain, or simply for stiff or weak joints, Ayurvedic oils can be applied directly to the site of the pain or weakness with excellent results. This is extremely important because there is often little that can be done for arthritis in modern western medicine. Yet besides bone problems, the same Ayurvedic oils are excellent in sports medicine for loosening and strengthening the muscles and joints and improving performance.
In this regard, Ayurvedic oils are very helpful for the practice of Yoga asanas as they help loosen the joints and promote deeper healing in the bone tissue, allowing for easier performance of the asanas and less danger of injury. Regular abhyanga or oil application to the body, particularly the head, neck, back, elbows, hands, knees and feet is an important Ayurvedic regimen for promoting positive health and longevity overall.
Naturally Ayurvedic oils have many applications relative to skin diseases, including skin rashes, irritations and inflammations of various types. Many Ayurvedic oils have significant cosmetic value. They have been used to help remove warts and dark spots from the skin, to counter dry or cracked skin, and to improve overall skin luster and texture, including countering the aging process that appears through the skin. This is particularly important today when cosmetics are expensive and often leave dangerous chemical residues on the skin.
Internal Usage of Oils
In addition some Ayurvedic oils can be taken internally and are not only for external usage. Check the specific oils involved. Some are specific for taking internally. This includes taking oils orally through the mouth, in the nose as nasya therapy, or through the rectum as bastis or enemas. Each avenue of application has its specific value and purpose. Taking Ayurvedic oils through the nose improves breathing, opens the sinuses, and promotes positive brain function. As enemas, Ayurvedic oils are good for debility, weak nerves, poor elimination and conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.
Taken orally oils can be used with warm milk in amounts of a teaspoon or more per cup to improve their strengthening properties. Or they can be simply taken directly into the mouth, even massaged into the gums to improve gum and oral health. Such internal taking of oils can be more powerful than the taking of herbal teas, pills or powders, and are easier to absorb.
Besides regular oils, Ayurveda also offers special potentized oils, called avartis, in which the oil may be prepared not just once but three, seven, eleven, twenty one or even a hundred and one times. Such highly potentized oils are especially powerful for deep healing, longevity and rejuvenation of both body and mind. They are specific to chronic diseases and conditions of weak physical and psychological immunity. Yet regular Ayurvedic oils are helpful in the same conditions as well.
Prescription of Ayurvedic Oils
Ayurveda prescribes oils with regard to the Ayurvedic dosha type of the person. Ayurvedic oils form a primary treatment for Vata dosha that accumulates in the skin, bones and joints and causes various nervous system and debility conditions. It is helpful for most Vata diseases as well as for preventative purposes. Vata types need daily usage of Ayurvedic oils.
Cooling Ayurvedic oils are helpful for Pitta dosha, particularly as applied to the head, which gets overheated in their cases, or for inflammatory conditions of the skin or joints. Ayurvedic oils are not as specific to Kapha dosha, which often needs more of a sweating therapy, but warming Ayurvedic oils can help in their case as well.
A few recommendations.
For the head, calming the mind and improving mental function, Chandanadi or Kshirabala Tailams, aid in both Pitta and Vata conditions. Triphaladi is very good for Vata and Kapha conditions of the head, neck, ears and throat.
For cosmetic usage for the skin, Eladi Tailam is excellent. For body massage and joint issues, Mahanarayan or Dhanvantaram Tailams are great. Mahanarayan Tailam is overall the best massage oil and used in this way in most Ayurvedic clinics in Kerala.
For gaining strength and countering disturbances of the nervous system, use Balashwagandha or Bala Tailams. For internal use and usage as enemas, Mezhupakam forms of the oils are used.
An excellent source of authentic Ayurvedic oils from Kerala (Vaidyaratnam Pharmacies) is Trihealth Hawaii. They have dozens of oils and an entire range of traditional Ayurvedic herbal products. Dr. David Frawley |
How Yoga Helps with Postpartum Depression
I often am asked about what services are available for the postpartum period. Postpartum depression is real – and manifest in several ways. Be mindful. Be honest. Listen to your body & mind. There are many offerings. Be advised to choose one or a combination that feels right for you.
Ayurvedic Care
This is in my wheelhouse. Traditionally, the first 42 days postpartum are key to connecting, assimilating, bonding AND welcoming this new family member into your lives as a family. There are options for care. DIY or Schedule Time with Me!
- AyurCare – 7 days consecutive OR build your own
- Herbal Tea & Encapsulated Powders
- Medicated Oils & Bundles
- Belly / Hip Binding with Creative Healing
- Meal Planning & Exercise
- Meditation & Yoga
Placenta Encapsulation
I know a few Placenta Encapsulation Specialists. Check out the Community Partners page. You may know someone from Yoga class that has taken advantage of this service before – or knows someone that has. There are benefits – like replacing the hormones to deal with postpartum depression! My best advise for you is to contact someone like Becky Hines.
Postpartum Support Groups
These groups can be a great source of support & information to address all forms of postpartum depression. There are sometimes no better way to find the information and guidance to navigate this delicate period of life. Aside from a trained counselor, there are lactation groups online and meet ups. The Community Partners page list a couple of sources.
Postpartum Doula Care
Postpartum doulas make life better! Like most of us in big cities, we are there without family. I am a big believer in building communities – grow your family of friends, couples, neighbors, church etc. What does postpartum doula support look like? Well, postpartum doulas support the family as an unwavering shield of protection. She is familiar with seeing the signs of postpartum depression. She may spend the night caring for the newborn and waking mama when needed for feeding. She encourages and supports. She may prepare meals & help care for older siblings. She is your best friend, mom, sister & aunt all rolled up into one amazing person. Ashley Coones is my number one suggestion. You’ll find her contact info on the… Community Partners page.
A few weeks back, I received an email from a woman named Meera. Meera is a long time yoga teacher / trainer. I’ve read several of her posts over the years in yoga publications. It is always wonderful to hear from other practitioners around the world. Take a look at this article she wrote post her delivery.
How Yoga can Help New Moms Beat Postpartum Depression
It’s ironic that so many women feel alone in their struggle with postpartum depression when an estimated 1 out of 6 women suffer from it. The intense anxiety and depression that happens in PPD can cause a lot of stress for families. Symptoms include: emotional instability, anger, guilt, worrying, thoughts or images that invoke anxiety and the inability to cope. Having a new baby in the house with these kind of concerns compounds all the emotions. This overwhelming, sad feeling after the birth of your child takes time to heal from. You can find local help in your area for PPD but something you can do at home, quickly while your baby naps is yoga. There are yoga poses that support the emotions you’re dealing with through PPD.
A lot of women will put on a brave face while in public, never asking for the help or getting the negative feelings out in the open. It sounds easy to talk to your friends about your problems of course but that would mean admitting that things aren’t okay and you’re not as strong as other mothers. There may be days you don’t get out of your pajamas. You might not take a shower for a few days because you feel like nobody sees you anymore.
The thing is, you have to take care of yourself or you’re not going to be able to take care of anyone else. One of the greatest ways to be a good mom is to first be a good mother to yourself. Offering yourself the yoga philosophies of self-love, compassion, and self-care will go a long way in making you feel better. A bit of yoga takes almost no time at all and there isn’t much you need. So get yourself on the mat daily to help relieve some of the PPD symptoms you’re suffering from.
The resistance you may feel on a daily basis as you try to keep it all together is the denial that you’re feeling the way you do inside. The more you sit in denial, the longer those inner feelings will stay with you. You feel lonely as though nobody understands or cares about your struggles. Until you admit you have a problem to yourself, you won’t ask for the help you might need.
Child’s Pose for Acceptance
Accepting the scary emotions pulsing through you that you don’t understand will help you heal. Child’s Pose is a great pose to help you feel safe while allowing yourself to gain acceptance that you’re sad, uneasy, or really afraid. Getting into Child’s Pose will envelope you with feelings of security while you release some of the negative energy. A lot of times when you’re holding in emotions, Child’s Pose will induce tears which are a release of those emotions.
Angel Wings for Connectedness
PPD can make you feel terribly alone, especially from your partner. You may turn your friends away for awhile which can bring feelings of isolation eventually. This cycle can cause you to fall into a dark hole of depression. By doing a simple yoga pose like Angel Wings at home, you can get rid of negative energy while bringing in the positive earth’s energy. This pose opens your heart and symbolically cleanses the energy within yourself. As you’re going through the Angel Wings Pose, think about what you need to clear out, what isn’t serving you anymore and what you can let go of. This small act can make you feel deeply connected to the universe which includes all the people in it.
To do Angel Wings Pose, you will want to
Start with your palms to prayer
Bring prayer hands up to the sky as you breathe in.
Open your hands out to the sides.
As you exhale, bring your hands all the way down to your sides and bring back to prayer.
Reverse Angel Wings
Angel Wings in reverse symbolically draws positive energy into yourself while you offer compassion, self-love, and outward love to others.
Sweep your hands out to the sides and up to the sky.
Touch palms together over your head.
Draw palms down back to your heart center.
Internal Pose-Fish Pose
This pose is a big heart opener so anything that has been hurting you may arise and then be released. So you may feel emotional in the pose but tears are a great way to release the pain in you. Better outside of you than inside of you.
Here’s how you do Fish Pose;
Lie down with your knees bent and feet flat.
Fold each shoulder underneath you one at a time, tucking in your shoulder blades (this will open your heart)
Press into your feet and lift your hips off the floor.
With palms towards the floor, slide your hands under your bum and wiggle your fingers as close to your ankles as possible. (This will push your shoulder blades further down which will open your heart further.)
Straighten out your legs and imagine someone has tied a string to the center of your chest and they’re gently pulling you upward.
With your chest to the sky and the weight into your arms, bring the top of your head onto the floor.
There should be very little weight on the top of your head and your back will be arched.
As a new mother, there’s a lot of fear that comes up. Fear you aren’t equipped to take care of your baby or unfounded anxiety that something might happen. There’s a lot of worry that goes along with the first year of being a mom.
Women try to compensate by being perfect to hide what they perceive as weakness or inability to care for their baby. This mask doesn’t allow you to look in your own heart, let alone talk about it with anyone else. Physically those who have new babies may not have the strength to do some of the power poses but Warrior II is a good daily practice.
Empowerment poses like Warrior II and Exalted Warrior not only stretch and strengthen the body but also opens up the hips. Repressed emotions can manifest as a tightness in the hips so it’s good to ease that tension and let go of those emotions.
How to do Warrior II;
Stand with feet together at the front of your mat.
Step your right foot far back behind you.
Lower the right heel to the floor with right toes pointing to right side of the mat.
Make sure your left knee is over your ankle.
Raise your arms up in line with your shoulders, lining them up over your legs.
Point your left index finger out in front of you and make a fist with your right hand and bring it beside your right ear.
Reach both arms away from each other like you’re pulling on a bow with your right hand.
Here are the video instructions for Warrior II
For Exalted Warrior;
Lower your right hand to the back of your right leg and raise your left hand up to the sky.
While doing Warrior II, imagine that with the front hands you’re pointing to what it is you want. As you release your hand to the sky, release those intentions you have made for yourself. Postpartum depression can be severe so consider yoga as an addition to giving you the immediate help you need sometimes. A few minutes a day with poses like these can help ease immediate stress or anxiety that you’re feeling.
Allergy season is here! I consider myself lucky… I do not suffer like so many when it comes to allergies, but I do have my moments. Like right now! This up and down of temperature. The sunny and dry one day and wet and humid the next takes it’s toll on my sinuses. I should have stock in kleenex!
In October 2014, I wrote a post about the use of Apple Cider Vinegar and all the uses for this amazing elixir. ACV can be a great tonic to help with allergies, but there are so many other household items you can use to help ease allergies.
I’ve shared my “go to” essential oils that I diffuse to help me – Eucalyptus, Fir Silver & Palo Santo. Works wonders for me! And I know many of you use EOs for loads of uses around the house. Please remember to be wise when using EOs. They are powerful medicine and should always be diluted. Consult a certified aromatherapist.
The internet provides SO much information at the tips of our fingers! When searching and exploring all that is available, be discrete. Remember to use your best judgement. I’m always happy to hear from a new source. This week I received an email from Positive Health Source. Sounds like a site I would visit – RIGHT?!
Let me share their link about this subject… Click on the From…
From How Does This Happen TO Symptoms TO Tips To Help
We talk alot about plants. Anytime we can pick up something from the garden to help with an issue is always a good idea!
You all will recognize a good number of suggestions that we use for other issues like Nettle Tea. You can buy this amazing plant dry or fresh (in the summer) for teas, to use in salad when fresh, etc.
For my pregnant mamas, we talk Nettle for leg cramps. So many uses for so many plants.
I hope you will all check out this new source for OmBalance. And please let me know what you think.
Full Article from Positive Health Wellness Here
How Does Allergic Reaction Occur?
Your immune system protects your body from invaders such as bacteria and viruses that mean you harm. But when it fights with substances that shouldn’t matter that’s an allergy. The substances that cause allergy are termed as allergens. Peanuts, pollen or eggs can trigger a reaction. They are good examples for allergens.
During an allergic reaction, your immune system releases antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies proceed to cells that release chemicals causing an allergic reaction. This allergic reaction usually causes symptoms in the throat, nose, lungs, ears, sinuses, lining of the stomach or skin.
These antibodies are single-minded, or in other words, they have specific radar for each type of allergen. Some people have allergic reactions to multiple allergens because they have much more types of IgE. Experts believe that your family history may play a part if you have multiple allergies.
Things That Cause an Allergic Attack
- Animal dander
- Medications such as penicillin
- Bee stings
- Dust mites
- Insect bites
- Mold
- Foods such as peanuts, fish, tree nuts, eggs, shellfish, milk, soy, and wheat
- Plants
- Pollens
The allergy attacks may range from mild to life-threatening. If you have any severe allergy, it may cause a serious reaction called anaphylaxis. In some cases, it could be life threatening.
Hay fever: Sneezing, runny nose, red swollen and watery eyes, itchy eyes, nose or roof of the mouth.
Food allergies: Tingling in the mouth. Your tongue, face, lips or throat might swell up. In worst cases, you might get anaphylaxis.
Medications: If you’re allergic to medications you may get a rash, facial swelling or hives, wheezing or in severe cases anaphylaxis.
Stings: Edema which is a large area of swelling, at the site of the bite. Itching or hives all over the body. Stings may also cause shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, or a cough.
Anaphylaxis: It’s a serious condition and can put your body in shock. Medication, food, insect bites or latex are the culprits. The symptoms can come from a mild rash to nausea, vomiting, fainting or dizziness. You may have trouble breathing, tightness in the throat or hives. In such cases call 911 and go straight to an emergency room.
Instant Allergy Relief Tips
Experts advise you to start treating allergies before you feel anything. Spritz a saline solution into your nose daily to wash away pollen. This method is not a substitute for medication, but it can significantly reduce your need for drugs. A research study found that individuals who rinsed their sinuses twice a day for three to six weeks noted less nasal congestion than those who didn’t.
You can use a netipot to alleviate congestion, facial pain, and pressure. Using saline solution can help increase the speed and improve the coordination of the cilia, the tiny hair-like structures inside the nasal and the sinus cavities. Due to this action, the cilia may remove the allergens and other irritants that cause sinus problems.
Mold and Mild Dew
Many different types of fungus or mold grow in our environment, and there’s mold all around us. It becomes a problem if you have a sensitivity to it and if you have areas in your home that promote mold growth. The areas could be wet areas like the basement for example.
Keep the humidity low in your basement by using a dehumidifier. If you have problems with leaks in your house, then immediately repair it because leaks promote mold growth.
Garlic is an anti-histamine superfood and is a natural antibiotic that wards off viruses, infections, and allergies. Eating raw garlic every day will fight off all types of allergies because it immensely boosts your immune system. Garlic removes the allergens completely from your blood stream.
Citrus Fruits
An alkaline body results in better balance and immune function. Limes and lemons boost your immunity levels because they contain with vitamin C. If you drink lemon water the whole day, it rids your body of all the impurities.Go in for pure lemon water without any refined sugar.
Raw Local Honey
Raw honey contains bee pollen which wards off allergies. Use local raw honey made from the same flowers in your neighborhood. The honey produced this way will strengthen your immunity to the pollen allergies where you live. Naturopaths use bee sting therapy to boost the immunity levels.
If you want to go the natural route to beat allergies sans the pharmaceuticals, then try butterbur. It has the best track record among herbs used for pollen allergies. Butterbur is a big leafy green plant native to Europe.
Acupuncture may help relieve hay fever. In a research study allergy sufferers were randomly assigned to a dozen acupuncture sessions had more symptom relief, and they used less anti-histamine medication than those who got a sham treatment or did not receive treatment. Experts believe that acupuncture curbs inflammatory immune system substances involved in allergic reactions.
Cook with Turmeric
Turmeric which is a common spice in Indian cuisine contains curcumin. Curcumin acts as a decongestant, wards off colds and helps reduce allergy symptoms. Curcumin, when mixed with other herbs like licorice root or extract of Boswellia, becomes effective in giving relief from immunological reactions to remove allergies.
Quercetin is a natural bioflavonoid which helps stabilize mast cells to keep them from releasing histamine. You can best use it as a long-term remedy, and you may take it for 4-6 weeks before the allergy season to ward off the symptoms.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic apple cider vinegar promotes alkalinity and pH of the body which is one reason it works as a natural remedy to ward off all types of allergies. If you take a good look at a jar of apple cider vinegar, you will see little floating strands; these are living enzymes that keep allergies at bay.
Nettle Leaf
It is very effective in naturally blocking the body’s ability to produce histamine. Capsules made from dried nettle leaves are the easiest and most efficient option to treat allergies.
Donna Gates writes in the body ecosystem that consuming probiotics especially the ones that are resident in the human digestive tract can help optimize your inner ecosystem and your immunity.
For nearly all allergies probiotics improves the mucosal lining of intestines, hinder the growth of pathogenic bacteria, stimulates immune enhancing substances and has a direct influence on immune response.
Red Onion Water
Onion contains a water soluble compound called quercetin. Research studies show us that quercetin reduces the amount of histamine produced by our body. Quercetin inhibits inflammation, acts as a bronchodilator, opens up the pathways and helps you to breathe easier.
Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus contains citronella which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful microorganisms acting as allergens.
Eucalyptus oil opens up your lungs and sinuses thereby improving circulation and reducing allergy symptoms. A study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine says that Eucalyptus oil is very effective in treating upper respiratory infections.
Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract has high amounts of antioxidants, and it also exerts anti-inflammatory effects. This action helps in decreasing the inflammatory response related to allergies. Quercetin a natural anti-histamine is present in olive leaf extract.
Research studies have shown that Quercetin inhibited histamine release in people who had mild to severe allergic rhinitis. Consistent use of olive leaf extract helps the immune system to shift its focus to environmental allergens permanently and away from internal toxins leaving you healthier and able to enjoy life.
Sea Salt
Two of nature’s potent antihistamines are sea salt and water. This combo is one of the practical, cost-effective remedies you’ll ever find. Sea salt is alkalizing and helps to reduce inflammation in your respiratory system.
Sea salt can boost your immune system. It nourishes your adrenal glands helping you to prevent illness or recover quickly by stimulating cellular energy. Himalayan, Celtic, Redmond, Hawaiian and Maldon sea salts are your best options.
HEPA Filters
HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air. HEPA filter is a type of mechanical filter that works by forcing air through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles. Using HEPA filters in your home can trap dust mites, mold spores, pet dander and pollen inside your house and may help bring allergy relief.
The remedies & conclusion are on their site. Be sure to check them out for more information about Positive Health and Wellness.
Special thanks to Simone for reaching out to me and sharing this wonderful post from Positive Health Wellness!