WBW 2015!
Last was World Breastfeeding week. Here is a link to the direct website HERE. Nourishment for bebe is key and no matter what is required to satisfy your sweet little is what is right for you. Remember our OmCommunity is here to support you as best as we can!
One of our sweet mamas is asking for donations for her friend that has an adopted bebe. If you have any extra to contribute, please contact Nicole (nicole.rangel@gmail.com). Thanks a ton!
Message from Tara ~
Happy World Breastfeeding Week! I fought hard to feed my little my milk. I pumped for 10 weeks until she got a latch. Because of that I never took it for granted and we had a very long and successful breastfeeding relationship. Because of all the pumping we got a deep freeze and I filled it, and donated my milk to friends along with strangers all over the world. She practiced giving her own baby dolls “ninis”–which you can see in this first picture. Really the cutest thing in the world is a toddler modeling attachment parenting.