HypnoBirthing Birth Story
“my birth experience was calm ~ breathing was easy because I practiced HypnoBirthing”
This is Caitlin birth story ~ from the Summer HypnoBirthing class. I am writing to share our birth story with you! I was almost one of those second time moms to have her baby in the parking lot haha. My labor was fast!
Here the birth story:
At 8pm on the 4th, Bret went to put our son to bed and I went to the bathroom where it appeared I had had my bloody show. Within minutes I began having some surges but I was unsure for some time if they were real or if it was cramping which I had been experiencing for a couple of weeks. I decided around 10pm to go to sleep because I knew if they were real I wouldn’t be able to sleep through them. I tossed and turned and finally woke up around 1am and decided I should start tracking them because they were definitely the real deal (I used an app called full term). After an hour of tracking, the surges were consistently 5 minutes apart and 30 seconds long. I decided to wait another hour because I was breathing through them fairly easily and calmly (in hindsight that was ridiculous but I was in some type of denial that I was actually in labor. I was also calm and breathing easily because I was practicing HypnoBirthing. Duh).
“I began having some surges but I was unsure for some time if they were real or if it was cramping”
After another hour with the contractions still the same frequency and duration but more intense, I decided to call the on call doctor. She told me to go to L&D. We called Bret’s mom to have her come stay with Jack and while waiting for her I started to realize that things were progressing, and quickly. I was instinctively grabbing down in my vagina area, I was feeling a lot of pressure during contractions, and I could feel the head moving down the birth canal (all things we learned about in class!). We drove to the hospital and they admitted us immediately when I told them about the pressure and they could see I was having a hard time talking to them through a surge. The nurse checked me and said I was complete!
“as she was coming out I could feel her turning”
My doctor was on her way but I felt the baby was going to come any second so the on call doctor came in and everyone prepared for baby to come out. My water was still intact and the doctor said if we broke the water the baby would come right away. I said to break it and I pushed through two surges and baby Quinn arrived! My doctor walked in the room right as she came out. As she was coming out I could feel her turning like we watched in the videos! We got to the hospital at 3:55am and Quinn was born at 4:26am on October 5th (also my mom’s 60th birthday!). We are so in love with her and big brother Jack is adjusting fairly well.
My labor was so quick and such a whirlwind that I really didn’t use many of the coping skills we learned. I just breathed through the surges and focused on remaining calm by repeating to myself that I was calm and safe. That was all I needed. That being said, I believe the HypnoBirthing class was totally instrumental in my having the unmedicated, fear-free birth I wanted despite not having time to use many of the techniques. As Cheryl said, it was my HypnoBirth. One of my biggest reasons for wanting a natural birth was my hope for a smoother recovery. My recovery from this birth has been so easy (both physically and emotionally) as compared to my last. I will say, the last few surges and the birth itself was not as zen or calm as I anticipated/hoped for but that’s okay because I was at the finish line anyways! All in all, I am so happy that I chose HypnoBirthing and I had a wonderful birth experience. I hope you all get to have such an experience also and you have a healthy remainder of your pregnancies!
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